How you can donate and help OUR ministry
Thank you for your generous support.
We wouldn't be able to accomplish the vision God has given us without your sacrificial financial contributions and prayer support...
We need an army of people who will stand with us in prayer, in sowing and in crying out for the nations.
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers." - 3 John 1:2 (AMP)
We trust that you will be sensitive to what the Spirit leads you to give.
Michele Ahlswede Ministries believes that as we sow to the heavens, God sows unto the earth!
We want you to know that we greatly appreciate any amount that you bless us with!
We pray a blessing of increase over you and your territory, and trust that God richly blesses you as you pursue His purposes!
May He continue to bless you abundantly as you sow your seed in faith.
Ministry Needs:
Cordless Clip On Mic
Seed Money to publish books
ways you can donate:
Want to make sure all your donation gets to us? Go to your banks mobile app or Download Zelle on your mobile device or go to Zelle.com. Its free to use and they charge no fees.